mardi 26 janvier 2010

Alive - Creature Rigging Solution for XSI.

Alive is a full customisable rigging tool that I am developing for my own use.
The idea was to create an advanced tool which can generate any type of character or creature rig (realistic human, cartoony mouse, centaur, mermaid, chimera...) with a few clicks and in a nice friendly user interface.

I invite you to watch it in action:

Alive - Creature Rigging Solution from Merlin Digital on Vimeo.

Unlike usual auto rig scripts, Alive lets you build your own character, limb by limb, just like a Lego system.
Because all the characters don't necessarily need the same features (stretch, arm curve, roll division...), Alive lets you specify the features to apply on each limb separately.

Once the reference rig is done, a simple click on the "Final Rig" button is enough for "Alive" to bring life to your character :)
The final rig will be generated accordingly to your settings.

"Alive" is still a WIP project. I am currently working on the quadruped and bird prototypes (which will be implemented very soon).
But the automatic rig creation is only the first part of my Alive project. I am currently thinking of a way to automaticaly create a flash synoptic view during the reference rig creation.

I hope you enjoyed to watch this tool in action. If you have any comment, question, suggestion, or even a Character TD position to offer, you are very welcome!

9 commentaires:

  1. This is great stuff buddy! Are you going to freely distribute this script? Or, how much!!!

  2. Thanks :)
    I don't know yet... But free beta rigs will be available soon.

  3. What version of XSI are you using? Will you make a free rig for us stuck on version 6?

  4. I am using XSI 7.0
    I don't know if all of this is working on version 6 but I will test. Yes, if it is working it would be nice.

  5. Oh god, its a great job what you are doing. Congrats!

  6. Bonjour Stephane,
    Je suis brésilien, étudiant animation 3D au Canada. Je suis présentement en train de faire un Rig in XSI pour un personnage, mais je ne sais rien à propos de cela. Est-ce que ton outil est déjà disponible? J'aimerais l'acheter ou avoir une copie Beta. Bien sur, le génerique de mon animation auras lie pour votre nom e votre technologie! ;-)
    Et j'ai bien de copain qui allons aimer ça... mais, après moi, bien sur?
    Je vous remercie à l'avance!

    PS: voici le blog de mon personnage:
